Our Ministries

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran

Worship Services

Sunday services are typically about one hour long. Our service format is a rhythm of prayer and song, scripture and message, where we participate in ancient traditions. Throughout the service, we are invited to sing and use music to connect with God’s Word. Before the sending, we make announcements informing folks of upcoming events and activities.


Communion is offered each week. All who wish to participate are welcome to come forward and receive God’s gift of gracious love.

Midweek Services

During the seasons of Lent and Advent we gather on Wednesday evenings for a simple meal followed by a short service of prayer and worship. 


Kids of the Kingdom preschool is a ministry of SOV and provides a nurturing early childhood learning environment in a faith-based setting.

Vacation Bible School

This day time program  takes place during a week in the summer and provides activities, games, and an opportunity for kids PreK-5th grade to engage in a story from scripture. 

Youth Ministry

Children have an active role in the worship life of SOV. We try to provide age appropriate material and conversations. We currently use Sparkhouse digital resources to help in the faith education of the youth of our congregation. These resources are geared toward early to middle elementary aged youth and can be utilized by parents at home. For more information please contact the pastor or Community Life committee.


Traditionally confirmation is offered to youth who have been baptized and are in the Jr. High age range. The goal of this ministry is to provide a space where the youth can connect with one another and the community of faith in a meaningful and relevant way. 

Music Ministries

SOV Choir and Band

The SOV choir and band leads worship weekly during services. New and visiting members are welcome anytime. Rehearsals are Sundays, before worship at 8:30AM.

Do you have a comment about the music we sing? Let our music director know! Help us better serve the congregation by giving us your feedback or ideas! If you have a song request, please allow at least three weeks in advance. All praise and critical thoughts are accepted.

See what’s on the schedule for this week’s worship service, and what we’ve sung in the past by clicking above.

SOV Choir needs YOU!

Ten reasons why YOU should join the SOV choir:

  1. We have no auditions
  2. You don’t have to “know how” to sing; just come and let the lord use you
  3. You get to fellowship every week with spectacular people
  4. It is fun!
  5. You are guaranteed at least two worship experiences each week
  6. You will grow spiritually
  7. It is good physical exercise
  8. Creative activities are a great way to keep your mind young
  9. It is a vital ministry of our church and a chance to serve
  10. God loves to hear you rejoice

Community Outreach

Committee Purpose

Our Social Concerns committee is a volunteer-based outreach effort to bring the grace of Christ to others. This committee’s purpose is to increase the congregation’s awareness of the needs of our church members, our community, and our world, and establish congregation-supported programs to address some of these needs.

Our regular annual programs include the following:

  • Thanksgiving Food Baskets – This program provides nutritious food to 70 area families – see more details on this program below.
  • Homeless Youth Winter Needs – In January, the SOV community donates new items including hand warmers, hats, gloves, and sleeping bags, beef jerky single packs, socks and women’s new sports bras to local agencies serving the homeless as well as vulnerable families and youth.
  • Brighter Summers – This program provides assistance to vulnerable families and children served by local agencies. The funds we raise help provide homeless youth with much-needed items like solar powered rechargers, and help provide vulnerable families mercy provisions like sewing kits, diapers, baby wipes, baby butt balm, and fun things like games, puzzles, bubbles, and chalk.
  • Easter Baskets – This program provides baskets filled with personal care products, games, and books to vulnerable families and children.

Shepherd of the Valley partners with local agencies that serve vulnerable families and youth, including the following: Home Plate Youth Services, Union Gospel Mission’s LifeChange for Women and their Children program, and LifeWorks NW – Healthy Families.

Union Gospel Mission logo
Lifeworks NW logo
HomePlate Youth Services logo

Thanksgiving Food Baskets – additional details

Each year Shepherd of the Valley volunteers prepare and distribute Thanksgiving Food Baskets for local Hillsboro/Beaverton families in need as identified by SOV or LifeWorks NW. Typically we have about 25 volunteers (including our youth) who over the course of a weekend prepare boxes filled with turkey, fresh vegetables, milk, eggs, stuffing, rolls, pie, rice, canned goods, baking mixes, and other food. The boxes are then distributed to 70 families in time for their Thanksgiving celebrations. The Thanksgiving Food Baskets typically contain enough food to provide for several additional days of dining after Thanksgiving. The committee also asks annually for volunteers to assist in the advance preparation such as menu selection, pricing, ordering, and collecting boxes and agency coordination. We also seek volunteers each year who can help setup the packaging and distribution activities, and even the post-delivery cleanup activities at SOV.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Social Concerns committee or have questions about any of our programs please contact the church office. You may also donate to our Social Concerns programs by donating on-line. (Remember to click on the down arrow in the “Offerings” line to be able to view and then select/designate the correct fund).